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Pile testing

We check piles for indentation load on the basis of the wave theory of impact and use in our work modern equipment of the European level, which is included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

Why testing is necessary

Special calculations and sounding help to determine the bearing capacity of the soil. However, these data are insufficient, and they cannot become the only basis for calculating the pile foundation. Accurate results can be obtained when testing soil with full-scale piles. When using this method, a load is applied to the investigated piles, the calculation of which will be determined by SP 24.13330.2011 “Pile foundations”. The impact of the load on full-scale piles can be both static (static tests) and dynamic.

Our equipment

  • Instrument complex PDR manufactured by the Dutch company "Allnamics". He takes measurements on both vertical and inclined piles. Determines the bearing capacity of solid and composite piles.
    The complex conducts tests according to wave theory: through a wireless Wi-Fi transmitter, data is transmitted to a computer for further analysis and storage. The tests help identify damage to the piles that may occur during submersion.
  • LS5 laser triangulation sensor for elastic and residual failure monitoring. Writes a refusal chart with bounce values for each hit. Recordings are made in parallel with the operation of the PDR instrument complex.

The advantages of our equipment

  • Speed and ease of installation (up to 40 min / pile);
  • Test speed (up to 10 piles per shift);
  • Economic benefit compared to static tests;
  • Determination of the presence of defects in the tested piles;
  • Determination of the correct operation of piling equipment;
  • Reliability and a wider range of results.

Technical base

When carrying out work, we use programs:

  • AllWave-PDR - for field tests.
  • AllWave-DLT / RLT - for calculating the bearing capacity of piles on the ground.

Normative base:

  • GOST 5686-2012 “Soils. Field test methods ";
  • SP 24.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.03-85 Pile foundations";
  • SP 45.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.02.01-87 "Earthworks, foundations and foundations".

We also independently developed an organization standard "Determination of the bearing capacity of a pile on the ground (Rst) based on the results of dynamic tests with a PDR complex using Allnamics PDA / DLT and AllWave DLT software from Allnamics", which received a positive review from the equipment manufacturer.

Photo of the works of Bridge Bureau LLC on the testing of piles

You can contact our specialists for drawing up an estimate for testing piles.